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Enock Glidden

Enock's Adventures: Ellsworth Trail

September 26, 2023 Enock Glidden
Trail Suggestions, Enock's Adventures, Accessibility, Trails Near Schools

Enock, Outdoor Accessibility Specialist, explores an in-town trail in the City of Ellsworth, as a part of his visit to trails Downeast.

Hey fellow hikers! The second trail I checked out on my trip Downeast is the Ellsworth Trail. This is a completely paved trail that I started at the midpoint  at the Ellsworth High School parking lot. The parking is of course really good and ample since it is at the school.

I started at the gate near the parking lot.

I turned to the right and headed off. The trail is extremely flat. It doesn’t ever go over a 2% grade.


There are a few places along the edge where there are bumps or small indents in the pavement. 


The trail crosses a few roads. At each crossing there are bollards to prevent motorized vehicles from accessing the trail. They are all 36 inches of clear tread width.


The southern end of the trail is mostly through a residential area on one side of the trail and businesses on the other. Once I turned around and went back past the school the scenery got much more wild with flowers and marshy areas.

There are also a couple small benches that are not accessible at all. It is good they have them, but they definitely need an upgrade. I did see one man using a rollator to hike the trail.

I think this trail is a valuable asset to the community. It is so close to everything and easy to access. It also caters to every ability since it is so flat and firm. It isn’t exactly wilderness hiking, but it is a great place to get some exercise.

If you have a different type of mobility issue or a different disability and you visit this trail or others, please comment on this post and give us your feedback. The more knowledge we gather and share, the more people we can get outside using the trails of Maine!

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