Love Maine Trails month is coming in June! Learn more about how you can participate.

Get Outside (or at least look like you are)

April 30, 2020 Claire Polfus
Just for Fun, COVID-19 Information

We all are dreaming of getting out into the mountains or on the water, but in reality we are spending a lot more time on video calls with our colleagues, family and friends. That's why you should...

Zoom into the Outdoors!

Instead of getting outside for real, get outside virtually with these Zoom backgrounds, brought to you by all of us at Maine Trail Finder. 

Just right-click and save the images to below and then load them into Zoom. Prepare to be taken away into the wilds and woods of Maine on your next video call!

And if you want to express your indoor hobbies, check out King Arthur Flour's baking backgrounds - thanks for the idea (and all the delicious recipes!).

It is easy to pirouette across the bog bridging when you are surrounded by dancing cottongrass on the Mahoosuc Trail! Fulling Mill Mountain, Grafton Township.
It is easy to pirouette across the bog bridging when you are surrounded by dancing cottongrass on the Mahoosuc Trail! Fulling Mill Mountain, Grafton Township.
With the sun shining and the ocean breeze blowing, an island beach is the perfect place for a summer lunch. Deer Isle.
With the sun shining and the ocean breeze blowing, an island beach is the perfect place for a summer lunch. Deer Isle.
Falling asleep to the cheeps of peepers or the haunting call of loons makes camping in the north Maine Woods an experience to remember. Little Chase Stream Pond, Misery Township.
Falling asleep to the cheeps of peepers or the haunting call of loons makes camping in the north Maine Woods an experience to remember. Little Chase Stream Pond, Misery Township.
The white blazes lead to Katahdin (or Georgia) but climbing Saddleback is a good day as well. Saddleback Mountain, Sandy River Plantation.
The white blazes lead to Katahdin (or Georgia) but climbing Saddleback is a good day as well. Saddleback Mountain, Sandy River Plantation.
After the ice finally melts, there is nothing like getting out on the water and striking out, paddle in hand. Misery Pond, Misery Township.
After the ice finally melts, there is nothing like getting out on the water and striking out, paddle in hand. Misery Pond, Misery Township.
Ferns make the summer woods in Maine verdant and lush. Kineowatha Park, Wilton.
Ferns make the summer woods in Maine verdant and lush. Kineowatha Park, Wilton.
Rocks and water, spruce trees and mist: the Maine coast in summer. Roque Bluffs.
Rocks and water, spruce trees and mist: the Maine coast in summer. Roque Bluffs.
The chill quiet of cool mornings is broken only by the dip of your paddle as summer turns to fall. Pogy Pond, Baxter State Park.
The chill quiet of cool mornings is broken only by the dip of your paddle as summer turns to fall. Pogy Pond, Baxter State Park.
Look north across the Krummholtz and you can almost the boreal forest (you can certainly see Canada!). Coburn Mountain, Upper Enchanted Township.
Look north across the Krummholtz and you can almost the boreal forest (you can certainly see Canada!). Coburn Mountain, Upper Enchanted Township.

Happy Zooming!

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