Blue Hill Heritage Trust is hosting a volunteer day on Thursday, June 20th, 1-4PM to help celebrate Love Maine Trails Month. We will be at our Snow's Cove Preserve property in Sedgwick.
This project will include clearing growth from the new re-routed trail and finishing the trail surface at the start of the property, as well as prepping the larger parking area. Volunteer tasks may include but are not limited to: cutting shrubs and trees with loppers and hand saws, raking, shoveling gravel, and pushing wheelbarrows with gravel, etc. Our work area is within 300ft of where we'll park, so there's no hike in or out to get there.
Please bring plenty of water, closed toed shoes, work gloves and insect repellant. Blue Hill Heritage Trust will provide all the tools needed (we have spare gloves if you don’t have any).
Volunteers of all ages are welcome to come out and participate, this event is open to the public.
Blue Hill Heritage Trust has protected over 10,000 acres of land that will be forever stewarded for wildlife, recreation, scenic beauty, sustainable use and historical importance. The best way to get involved and make a difference is through our Volunteer Work Days throughout the year. There's lots of work to be done to protect the beauty and the environment on the Blue Hill Peninsula. Come have some fun and join us!
If you're interested please email us to RSVP so we get a sense of numbers for the day.
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