Get your gloves and trash bags ready, the day will start with an annual clean-up along the Androscoggin River in Livermore Falls. Androscoggin Land Trust (ALT) has been hosting river clean-ups along the Androscoggin for over a decade and protecting the lands for the last 35 years. Each year ALT host clean-up events in the Jay/Livermore regions. Volunteers of all ages and abilities come together to do their part and spend a few hours
making the water cleaner, the riverbanks safer, and the wildlife happier.
The storms of 2023 caused significant damage along the shoreline of the Androscoggin River. This clean-up will focus on restoring the Foundry Road boat launch in Livermore Falls. A significant amount of debris and trash was left behind when the waters resided and left the boat launch impassable. With a little elbow grease we can get this boat launch safe to enjoy again.
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