To get to the trailhead, there is now a 3.6-mile road walk from the gate just north of High Bridge. Then the White Brook Trail follows an old partially overgrown gravel road for the first 1.2 miles. This part of the trail, not marked with any blazes or signs, is due to be relocated so there has been limited maintenance. This section has a moderate uphill slope through a young hardwood forest.
At the end of this road is a small opening where a sign on the left indicates the trail, which is blazed blue from this point to the Appalachian Trail. From this clearing it is 0.5 miles to where an old fire warden's cabin was located, 1 mile to the intersection with the A.T., and 2.1 miles to the summit of White Cap Mountain. As the climb progresses, the forest changes from a mixed growth, to a softwood forest of spruce and fir, and then to primarily balsam fir.
At the intersection with the A.T., turn right to go to the summit of Whitecap Mountain, the highest summit in the 100 mile wilderness. The trail increases in steepness the higher it goes, with hundreds of stone steps. The Maine Appalachian Trail Club's Trail Crew has spent countless hours over many years to install these steps and stabilize the trail.
The summit rewards hikers with incredible views in all directions. To the south is the Barren-Chairback range, to the east is Greenwood Pond, Katahdin is to the north, and to the west Hay Mountain, West Peak and Moosehead Lake are visible.
Please stay on the main trail and established side trails in order to protect the fragile high-elevation vegetation.
For additional information, visit the Maine Appalachian Trail Club website, or contact:
Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC)From Brownville Junction take ME-11 north about 5 miles to the Katahdin Iron Works Road, on the left. Go 6.5 miles from ME-11 to the North Maine Woods' Katahdin Iron Works Gatehouse (fee required to pass). At 0.1 miles from the gatehouse, bear right toward Gulf Hagas. 3.5 miles from the gatehouse bear, right toward High Bridge. The turn is marked with a road sign. Continue 2.3 miles to High Bridge and park to the side of the road so traffic isn't blocked. It's a 3.6-mile walk to the trailhead via Hay Brook Road.
The road bends to the right after the bridge. Follow the road on foot in a north-northwesterly direction before swinging around to a north-northeasterly direction. 3.6 miles from High Bridge, the road ends at a small gravel pit.
Please note: to get to the trailhead, there is now an additional 3.6-mile road walk from the gate just north of High Bridge. See Details and Directions for this information.
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